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Welcome to Dawnshard TCG

Dawnshard is a Card Game in which 2 players fights in a fast paced and dynamic gameplay. The goal of the game is to gather 10 Shards before your opponent!

Give 1 Shard when Played

World of the Card



Rarity and Type


They are played on the Board and have Attack and Health. At the start of your turn, they ready and can take one action: Fight to damage an enemy or Reap to gain 1 Shard.


Actions deliver instant, powerful effects that can shift the match. Once played, they are discarded, after resolving the effect.


They are played on the Board and act as a supporting actor in the match. They have powerful continuous effects and are difficult to destroy.

Hybrid Deck-building

Mix and combine your card sets to create your own strategy. Free yourself from copied decks, and rediscover the excitement of truly creative deckbuilding.

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